Looking back from the 29th of June to now, there has been very no tangible sign of a recovery for the industry.
City centres, are almost lifeless by eleven at night, lunch trade is decimated and spending per person is down considerably.
The average drop in sales is 60% and now the Pubs outside Dublin do not know when or if they will open.
For the ones that were the first “over the top” the realization of their brave move is beginning to set in.
As expected, the support from those in command is hit & miss, haphazard and not well thought out instead it is just reactionary almost “knee jerk”.
All this while businesses are being slaughtered on “open ground”.
They (those in command of this battlefield) are sheepish e.g. Father / Mother driving their child home from a playground , child starts coughing , it’s a dry cough , parents now look for test to see if its Covid 19 , spends hours trying to get a doctor, eventually gets one and is told there will be a test date given within 24 hours, after 24 hours no test date given and when the test is taken it will take three days for a result.
In the meantime, Father / Mother cannot go to work as they are expected to self isolate in some cases there is no funding for them so basically the life of the average family is STOPPED in its tracks.
Those in command are of no immediate help have no solutions / ideas and their structure of testing is so weak it is a major concern if the so called second wave comes.
Who would want to spend money when they are never sure if they will ever have the same earning power again – for the licensed trade this is even worse than the “two-meter rule”?
Those who left the trenches to go kick start the economy would be forgiven for feeling left “out in the open pinned down” knowing there is not much point in trying to make it back to the trenches where they may feel they were better off and that’s now.
– What, when the winter comes … how well will the “covering fire” be then?
The Government (the commanders) branded this crisis a war, a battle!
You can’t win a war without commanders that have foresight, great communications and efficient lines of supply!